As the use of unmanned aircraft rises around the world, new drone related businesses are entering the market every day. Since many take interest in becoming drone pilots and finding ways to advance the drone sector, the competition is high. Companies and drone pilots alike must learn to market themselves correctly in order to stay afloat.

As our Drone Pilot Network continues to grow, SkyWatch.AI is committed to helping our pilots get their businesses off the ground! Here are our best marketing tips for starting your drone business:
1. Focus - Determine Your Niche
It is very important that before you get started, you are able to choose your focus. Do you want to market yourself as a real estate photographer? Wedding drone photographer? Both? Once you have found your niche, you will be able to better understand your target audience and cater specifically to you intended clients. By doing so, you will learn the major influence points that you need to market to in order to connect with future customers.
2. Decide Which Marketing Outlet Works for you
Today, there is no doubt that having an online presence is absolutely essential. With that being said, there are many outlets to choose from. A dedicated business website is an essential part of every marketing plan. However, some pilots may decide that using social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and/or YouTube works best for them. Others, may find that they want to invest the time and effort to do both. There's no right or wrong - only what fits to your skills and time.
If you would decide to take the social media route, this next step is for you
3. Build your Social Media Profiles
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube have a very large reach potential and they are pretty easy to start with. These channels allow you to get exposure, advertise your work, and also create a gathering of people to communicate with (customers and peers alike). You will be able to learn other’s tactics and what is popular in your market base and update your strategy accordingly. One important thing to remember - when you start building your social, keep going! Having a "graveyard" social page might send the wrong message.

4. Professional Name - The Marketing Corner Stone
First off, choose an original name. Your name reflects you, your service, and your vision. Before finalizing, make sure to Google search your desired name, and see that there are not too many other companies already using the same name. Don't overdo the name, keep is short and simple. If you decide to make a site, have it designed to reflect your character and professional record.
If you decide that you want to do both social media and have a personal website, go for it! Some pilots may want to keep their social media only for social reasons and their website for professional purposes. If you choose to do both, make sure to advertise your social pages on your homepage!
5. Your Professional Record, Visible
One of the most important things to share with your potential client base is that you hold a Part-107 certification. Today, many clients know to look for pilots who are Part 107 certified and that already have dedicated drone insurance. You want to make this information noticeable for your users immediately, whether it be on your site or social pages. Mentioning that you have insurance and are fully certified will show that you are reliable and will make clients more willing to work with you. SkyWatch.AI is happy to provide pilots with a personalized verification banner of their insurance for their site.
Another essential way to gain trust is by building a gallery. You want to post a handful of images that best show your skills, work, and final products. An inspiring and meaningful gallery is your chance to capture your client's attention. Can you tell a story through your footage? Are you able to show who you are as a professional?
6. Customers Testimonials - The Trust Multiplier
Kindly ask previous clients to share their experiences working with you. On your site, you could use costumer quotes as endorsements, and this will in turn help you become credible. On social media, you could ask followers and clients to re-post your images, or tag you on their own pages. Regardless, these testimonials will show that you are active and have a following for your service and business.
7. Always Offer a Contact Section and Respond Quickly
By having a ‘Contact Me/Us’ section on your site (and social), you are showing your potential clients that you are approachable. They will feel more comfortable reaching out to you when you put yourself out there. Once people start reaching out, you must make sure to respond in a timely manner. By doing so, you will satisfy your potential client's expectations and the benefits will follow. All the social media channels discussed above have a way to send direct messages. Make sure that you are actively checking your messages to see that you haven’t missed any questions from certain followers.
8. Stay Active and Promote Relevant Content

Customers and followers want to see that your business is up and running, so posting regularly to your social media channels, and to your website will keep them interested. With this being said, you do not need to go overboard. Posting too often may end up backlashing. If you begin to take over followers’ social media newsfeed, this could result in unfollows. Finding the balance takes time but with the right practice it can be perfected. You also want to make sure that your pricing is up to date with the market standard. Pricing is always tricky since the industry is still growing. This article will provide more information about how to accurately price your drone service.
9. Join Professional Forums
Aside from the social media platforms mentioned above, there are many popular drone forums out there. Finding the right forums, that are relevant to your work, can be a good place to reach clients who are looking for your exact specialty. Adding your input on these forums, and advertising your website or social pages, will give your business validity and show that you are active and engaged.
10. Be Seen, Use Google to Your Advantage
Marketing requires effort, time and even money. However, in the early stages of your business, there are lots of things you can do before you have to worry about spending money on paid advertising. Adding your business onto Google will help you attract new clients when they use the Google search engine. Google Business is a free tool in which owners can have a better sense of control for what is seen about them in the Google search results. Lastly, business owners can ask clients to rate and review their services via google; thus making their client testimonials public.
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